The work of reconfiguring was motivated by faith in God’s providence, sustained by trust in the Holy Spirit and informed by the sisters’ careful reflections and opinions.
It was understood that to discover what form a reconfigured Institute might take would involve much prayer, study, discussion and several wide-ranging consultations. It was also understood that the outcome of the reconfiguring process could not be pre-determined.


Sisters at reconfiguring discussions


Some sisters did not like the word ‘reconfiguring’. They thought it was too vague or lacked religious meaning or that it belonged to the corporate world of restructuring, downsizing, redundancies, and so on. However, the chapter, and subsequently the leaders charged with implementing the chapter’s decisions, intended it as a disinterested reference to a new movement towards a more life-giving way of being in communion with each other for the sake of the Mercy mission.


Between 2005 and 2010 there were six major consultations. All sisters were encouraged to participate in these, as well as in processes in their home groups which demanded deep discernment and included the canonical requirements of formal voting.